Determining Eligibility for Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB)*

In order to be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB), you must have a disability as defined under the Social Security program and you must have sufficient earnings to be considered “insured” under DIB. To demonstrate that you have sufficient earnings to be eligible for Social Security disability benefits, you must meet two separate earnings tests:

  • A “recent work” test, and
  • A “duration of work” test

The “recent work” test is based on the amount of time you worked at jobs where you paid Social Security taxes and the required amount of work depends on your age at the time you became disabled. Your age at disability is determined based on the calendar quarter during which you were injured. The calendar quarters are as follows:

  • First Quarter (January 1 – March 31)
  • Second Quarter (April 1 – June 30)
  • Third Quarter (July 1 – September 30)
  • Fourth Quarter (October 1 – December 31)

If you become disabled before or during the calendar quarter in which you turn age 24, you are generally required to have worked at least 1.5 years during the prior three years. If you become disabled in or after the calendar quarter during which you turned 24, but before the calendar quarter in which you turn 31, you are generally required to have worked at least half the time from the period beginning in the quarter when you turned 21 and ending in the quarter you became disabled. If you became disabled in or after the calendar quarter during which you turned age 31, you are generally required to have worked at least five years out of prior ten years, ending with the quarter you became disabled.

The “duration of work” test is intended to demonstrate that you worked long enough under Social Security to be eligible for benefits. This test requires that you work a certain number of years based upon your age, but your work does not have to fall within a specific period of time. For example, if you become disabled before age 28, you are generally required to have 1.5 years of work. If you are age 30, you are generally required to have worked at least two years. This number continues increasing as your age increases.

* It is possible that you can be eligible for both SSI and insured benefits.  Contact National Benefits Center, Inc. to see if you are eligible.

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