Determining Disability for the Purpose of Receiving Baltimore Social Security Benefits
Information Provided by the National Benefits Center, Inc.
At the National Benefits Center, Inc. we know that Social Security disability can be a difficult process and we want to help you understand the application process. Our representatives have an in-depth knowledge of the Social Security system and we want to use this knowledge to help you as you apply for disability benefits.
To obtain Baltimore Social Security disability benefits, you must be considered “disabled” under the Social Security program. A disability is defined under Social Security as a medical condition that prevents you from working and is expected to last at least one year or results in death. Social Security disability does not cover short-term or partial disability.
How the Social Security Administration Determines Disability
Local Disability Determination Services offices work under the authority of the Social Security Administration to determine whether you are eligible to receive disability benefits. To determine whether you are disabled, your local office will ask the following five questions:
- Are you working?
- Is your medical condition considered severe?
- Is your medical condition listed on the Social Security Administration’s List of Impairments?
- Can you perform the work you did before?
- Can you perform any other types of work?
To be eligible for Social Security insurance benefits (DIB), , you must meet the working and earnings requirements. You must be currently insured to qualify for disability insurance benefits (DIB). If you do not qualify for disability insurance benefits (DIB), you may still be entitled to supplemental security income (SSI).
To meet the severity requirement of disability, your medical condition must significantly limit your ability to perform basic work activities for a period of one year or more. Significant impairment includes the inability to perform tasks such as walking, sitting and remembering. If your medical condition is not expected to last more than one year (or results in death), your condition is not considered severe and you are not considered disabled for purposes of obtaining Social Security disability benefits.
If your condition is deemed severe by your state office, the agency will check to see if it is on the List of Impairments maintained by the Social Security Administration. Any condition on this list automatically means you are disabled by law.
If your condition is not included on the List of Impairments, it can still be considered a disabling condition if the state agency determines that it is as severe as a listed impairment or if you meet the following two requirements:
- Your medical condition prevents you from performing the work you did before, and
- You cannot perform any other work because of your medical condition, age, education, past work experience, and job skills
Once the local state office determines whether you are considered disabled, they will send you a letter stating whether your application is approved and, if you are approved, the amount and start date of your benefits. If you are not approved to receive Social Security disability benefits, the letter will explain why you were not approved.
Answering Questions about the Process of Determining Disability
If you have any questions about how disability is determined or what to expect as you go through the application process, you can contact a representative at the National Benefits Center, Inc. to discuss your application for Baltimore Social Security benefits. We understand that the process can be confusing and frustrating and we will do what we can to help you. You can contact us at any time, and we will return your calls no matter what.